Dr Nadia Maqboul

Dr Nadia Maqboul

Dr Nadia Maqboul is a Gastroenterologist and Interventional Endoscopist with experience in a wide range of Gastrointestinal conditions.


Dr Nadia Maqboul completed her medical degree at the Royal Free and University College Medical School, London. She started her training in the Liver Transplant Unit at The Royal Free Hospital prior to moving to Melbourne where she completed her training in Gastroenterology. She was selected from her peers to be awarded the ‘Inaugural Neville Yeomans Prize’ for her clinical research during this time.

Dr Maqboul completed a two year advanced fellowship in Interventional Endoscopy at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane and subsequently held a position as a Staff Specialist. As well as providing services in General Gastroenterology, Dr Maqboul has a special interest in Interventional Endoscopy. In addition to gastroscopy and colonoscopy (including National Bowel Cancer Screening), Dr Maqboul also performs advanced endoscopic procedures including complex colonic polypectomy; Endoscopic Ultrasound and ERCP.